Wednesday 8 June 2011

Me, Myself and life with emetophobia

As I'm sure you can see from the title of my blog, I have emetophobia.
My name is Lily, and I am 19 years old. I live in Kent, in England, an am currently a couple of weeks off from finishing my first year of my degree in fashion design and surface textiles at London College of fashion. I am far from being a self proclaimed blogger, and quite frankly am a little clueless as to how this all works, but after stumbling across other blogs on emetophobia, I thought I’d have a go at making my own- not much guarantee that it'll go further than one or two posts before I give up.
There’s no doubt in my mind, that some of this information to those with the same 'problem' as me will be boring and repetitive, and probably everything that you've heard before, but this is an attempt to document all of my thoughts and feelings on the situation for myself, as a way to see my progression.. Or regression as the case may be. I do not claim to have any medical or accurate knowledge of the phobia, despite having had it for years, I know very little about it, but what I do know is how it makes me feel. I plan to use this blog as a ‘personal diary’, not a place to blurt out fact and figures but as a place to (shall we say) release the thoughts in my head when panic arises. I simply thought that by doing it in a way that others could see, they may find comfort in the fact that some people really do understand exactly how you feel.

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